Tips to Staying Productive While at Home

In hard times like this, it can be very hard to stay motivated while you’re at home all day. Whether that means with workouts, healthy eating, staying productive, or just staying off Netflix, here are a few tips to ensure you make the most of the day.

Keep an alarm set

Keep your alarm set! It doesn’t have to be as early as what it may have been if you had to leave the house (I set mine forward an hour), but keeping it on means you’re less likely to sleep in. Once it goes off, try and get out of bed straight away: avoid laying in bed scrolling Facebook!

Have breakfast straight away

Even if you don’t feel hungry, make some breakfast straight away. While you’re eating it, try and avoid watching anything because let’s be honest, who can limit themself to just one episode?

Have a morning routine

This helps to make you feel fresh for the day! This can include cleaning your teeth, washing your face and even putting on a bit of makeup.

Get dress (and even better, get dressed in activewear)

Get out of those PJ’s! You’ll feel less likely to binge watch your favourite show if you’re not in your pyjamas. Even better, get dressed in activewear and it sets the mindset to have a workout! Plus it means you won’t have to get dressed when you do decide to have a home workout. 😉

Set goals or tasks for the day

Write down 3 goals or tasks that you would like to get done for the day. Of course you can do more with your day, but if you smash those 3 tasks you’ll feel accomplished. This is also super effective to do the evening before

Have something playing in the background

Nice try, but no I don’t mean Netflix! You know you’ll eventually sit down to watch. Try listening to a podcast or even just to some music. I find I am more productive if I have something playing in the background.

Let me know how you have been staying productive at home! Stay safe.xx

Categories: Uncategorized


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