KaylaJoy Origins Collection

The inspiration for the KaylaJoy Origins Collection has come from an important time in my life. Over the span of 2 years, I created 6 designs (8 including colour variations), that reflect on a journey of self love, building a strong mentality, and finding the fun in exercise.

Before KaylaJoy Activewear became the official brand that it is today, I initially designed some activewear patterns for myself. I was learning a lot about creating patterns in my job at the time and I thought it was really fun! So taking what I learned, I wanted to create patterns for activewear to spice up my activewear (something different other than black, black, and more black!). I had painted some roses, scanned them into the computer and created the pattern for my first design: Rosa. Once I sent the design to the supplier and received my first pair I was extremely excited to have something that I had created printed on activewear! The compliments at the gym were so kind! This led me to creating a new design – something out of the ordinary, striking, and bold! That’s when Aroma was created! The contrasting and vibrant colours really got the attention of others, to the point that people inquired about buying and even putting in requests for custom wear! This hadn’t crossed my mind, so needless to say I was flattered and feeling ambitious. 

Jump ahead about a year, after creating 6 different designs, I lost my motivation to create. I had been through a lot personally and mentally throughout that year which was a contribution to my lack of motivation (read more in my story), however it helped me discover the underlying reason why I wanted to create beautiful activewear designs in the first place: to boost my own confidence when stepping into the gym. I have learned a lot about myself recently, which has sparked a fire in my belly to take KaylaJoy Activewear to the next level. I created this brand to promote the fun of exercise, and to boost confidence in other women to tackle their health and fitness goals. 

The KaylaJoy Origins Collection is about the journey of self discovery I went on over the last 2 years. From my most ambitious designs, to something simple, to designs that were created to instil particular vibes, this collection is full of activewear designs that resonate with me.

Categories: Uncategorized


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